The Everyone’s A Winner / The Best Dressed Chicken 3K & 5K returns on Father’s Day, Sunday, June 16 starting at 6:00 am to roll out the red carpet for all fathers on their special day!
Don’t miss this opportunity to ‘Keep Fit With Dad’ while indulging yourself in a premium race experience of tastings and refreshments courtesy of The Best Dressed Chicken, Catherine’s Peak Water, St. Mary’s and our other sampling sponsors, massages and health checks by The Heart Foundation of Jamaica.
There will be a premium T-shirt and a special commemorative medal awarded to the first 3,000 finishers across the 3K and 5K events.
Our charity focus is the Jamaica Society for the Blind.
Follow the steps below to register for the Everyone’s A Winner / The Best Dressed Chicken 3K & 5K.
Registration is open to all individuals and teams – corporate, clubs, church groups and family teams.
Registration closes Tuesday, June 11, 2024, or upon achieving the event limit, whichever comes first. THERE IS NO RACE DAY REGISTRATION.
The contribution is $3,000 per person for individuals and teams.
Kindly note: Shirts will be prepackaged based on the size(s) indicated during registration. As such, Running Events Jamaica will try its best to honour your size request. If there are any changes, you will be contacted.
Entries are neither refundable nor transferable, and name changes are not allowed.
Individuals and teams must register and pay online – Click Here To Register.
If you experience any challenges registering online, please contact us at (876) 967-4903 or send us an email at
Corporate Team Registration
To register a corporate team, please contact us at (876) 967-4903 or send an email to The team captain will receive a spreadsheet to enter the team’s registration information and will be invoiced.
Packet Pick-Up
Your race packet with your T-shirt and bib must be collected before race day from Running Events Jamaica, 87-89 Tower Street, Kingston on Thursday and Friday, June 13 – 14 from 11:00am to 4:00pm each day, or on Saturday, June 15 from 1:00pm to 3:00pm. THERE IS NO NUMBER PICK-UP ON RACE DAY.
Each entrant will receive a bib with an embedded timing chip that will provide your personal time from start to finish. You must cross the timing mats at the start and finish lines in order to get a race time. Your bib number will be labeled with your name and marked for the event you entered, and must be pinned to the front of your shirt. You must wear the bib encoded with your information. DO NOT SWITCH OR GIVE YOUR BIB TO ANYONE. Switching of race events is NOT allowed once race registration is closed.
Each participant is responsible for knowing and complying with all the official rules and regulations. Failure to comply with the rules of the event will subject you to disqualification.
Race Map